Kuhonbutsu Shopping Street
Kuhonbutsu Shopping Street

Building on our relationship with community organization Tamakawa Machizukuri House, we designed several walks in our Setagaya neighborhood. We’ve spent the past few weeks strategizing with neighbor elders, town council members, community organizations and local businesses to develop safe, accessible, and welcoming ‘koe no enin hi’ interactions. This is especially important now: everyone is concerned about the persistence of COVID-19 one month before the start of the 2021 Olympics.
From the stakeholders, we received permission to use several commercial streets for neighborhood walks to meet and engage with many people. Following neighborhood protocol, our walks are announced to residents on area bulletin boards and via the neighbor-to-neighbor flyer-sharing system.

Kuhombutsu Shoutengai is one of the few remaining traditional shopping streets in this area. Independent businesses, many in operation for generations, support the local community’s needs. The shopping street is closed to traffic in the late afternoon, transforming it into a lively, pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare. It’s a wonderful place to meet neighbors while shopping at small groceries, delicious bakeries, a husband-wife fish market, florists, pharmacies, and a shop that makes incredible tofu daily.
*Shitamachi refers to lowland areas in Tokyo that are mostly commercial and industrial where the working class resides.
Kuhombutsu Shoutengai is one of the few remaining traditional shopping streets in this area. Independent businesses, many in operation for generations, support the local community’s needs. The shopping street is closed to traffic in the late afternoon, transforming it into a lively, pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare. It’s a wonderful place to meet neighbors while shopping at small groceries, delicious bakeries, a husband-wife fish market, florists, pharmacies, and a shop that makes incredible tofu daily.
“This neighborhood still has that warm, *shitamachi feeling. People know each other, you know.”
*Shitamachi refers to lowland areas in Tokyo that are mostly commercial and industrial where the working class resides.

「 夏は大蛇のお祭りをやったり、秋にはハロウィーンで仮装した子供達にお菓子をあげたり、商店街のみんなが手作りで楽しい催し物をするんですよ。去年はコロナでどちらもできなかったので、残念でしたけれど。 」
“In the summer, we have a matsuri (festival) where people walk around carrying a huge snake made of straw. In fall, many shop owners in the shotengai give out Halloween candies to kids in costumes. Sadly, we couldn’t do either last year because of Covid, but we have these homely and fun events in the neighborhood.”

What kind of sounds make you feel safe?
What kind of sounds bring you strength?
The sound of the bonsho, Buddhist bell, from the neighborhood temple
The sound of the bonsho, Buddhist bell, from the neighborhood temple
The sound of people and cars on the neighborhood streets
The sound of people and cars on the neighborhood streets
My daughter’s voice
My daughter’s voice
Babbling creek sounds
Babbling creek sounds
Sounds of the gentle breeze
Sounds of the gentle breeze
The voices of my family
The voices of my family
The cheerful sounds and lively voices of matsuri in the neighborhood
My cat’s cute “meow” from inside when I get home and am about to open the front door.
The cheerful sounds and lively voices of matsuri in the neighborhood
My cat’s cute “meow” from inside when I get home and am about to open the front door.