Roundtable // Japan - Worldwide
ラウンドテーブル // 日本ー世界中
ラウンドテーブル // 日本ー世界中

US-Japan Artist Conversation:
Human Connections & Emotional Resilience
09/26/20 6:30PM - 8:00PM
PACIFIC TIMEAs we continue to grapple with a year of compounding crises, Fukuoka Oakland Friendship Association (FOFA) hosted a conversation on a unique way to acknowledge grief and access hope through art. We welcome four Nichibei Creative Artists to lead our roundtable conversation: Sue Mark and Bruce Douglas (who work as marksearch), both from Oakland, and Hiroyuki Abe and Natsuka Endo, from Tokyo. English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
日本時間イベント内容:「異常事態」が常態となりつつある今、福岡USオークランド友好協会(FOFA) は「人と人の繋がり」と「心の回復力とケア」をテーマにアートを語らう会を開きます。ゲストにお迎えするのは、オークランドに拠点を持ち日米芸術 家交換プログラムにより選出されたスー・マークさん、ブルース・ダグラスさん (ユニット名: marksearch) 、日本側の協働者である阿部 浩之(あべ ひろゆき)さんと遠藤 夏香(えんどう なつか)さんの4名です。会話に積極的に参加されたい方も、静かに耳を傾けたい方も、是非ご参加ください。日本語でも英語でも参加いただけます。
We welcomed more than 40 people from around the world to our virtual gathering. Architects, students, dancers, musicians, environmentalists, writers from across Japan, California, and places between listened and shared. We are experimenting with how sounds can evoke memories. It can be very painful to talk or write about a trauma. What are the sounds that bring us peace, and how can we share these sounds together? Watch the video to hear what happened!
We welcomed more than 40 people from around the world to our virtual gathering. Architects, students, dancers, musicians, environmentalists, writers from across Japan, California, and places between listened and shared. We are experimenting with how sounds can evoke memories. It can be very painful to talk or write about a trauma. What are the sounds that bring us peace, and how can we share these sounds together? Watch the video to hear what happened!

Natsuka-san’s simultaneous visual translation of the conversations.