Sound Memories // Tohoku, JP
Sound Memories // Tohoku, JP
『 過去の記憶を思い起こしたり、音を声に出して悲しみの元となるものを体の外へ出すことで、解放感や快感を感じられる事があります。この過程でとても大事なことは、一人ひとりが安心して感情と向き合える空間を保つことです。そして、被災者の方に再度心の傷を負わせないように、繊細な気配りが必要です。 』
“It can be cathartic to return to an old memory, to say a sound and release grief. But it is essential to develop a safe space for emotional containment. It is a delicate balance: how to let survivors share without re-traumatization.”
Professor Cheryl Okuba, Arts Therapist
University of Tsukuba
University of Tsukuba
『 音は、言語以前の真意をとらえます。その的確さは、言葉にも優るものです。この音こそ、311体験者との信頼関係を築く要となるでしょう。 』
間瀬 幸江
“Sounds capture the pre-linguistic truth with more emotional accuracy than words. This is the core essence for building trust when talking with 311 Disaster survivors.”
Professor Yukie Mase
Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University
Miyagi, Sendai, Japan
Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University
Miyagi, Sendai, Japan
COVID-19 pandemic restrictions prevented us from traveling to the Tohoku region, so we had to create a different way to meet and connect with 311 disaster survivors. We spoke with several experts to better understand ways to develop a safe, trusting and authentic way to gather their stories. Many first-person disaster narratives have been well-documented. We did not want to repeat what had already been done. And most importantly, we wanted to amplify the words and stories that are most relevant and meaningful to survivors themselves.
Over several months, using a friend-to-friend relational network, we met on zoom with dozens of people from Sendai, Iwate, and Fukushima Prefectures. We wanted to amplify the hopes and concerns of young adults, those whose voices are not usually heard. We focused on their feelings right now and their concerns for the future. Rather than gathering stories from March 2011, which have the potential to retraumatize, we asked participants to share sounds that bring them a sense of safety and strength. We then joined their voices to shape a sonic haiku so that their expressions can empower other listeners.
Below is a transcript of their original responses. You can hear some of their original responses here, here and here.
COVID-19 pandemic restrictions prevented us from traveling to the Tohoku region, so we had to create a different way to meet and connect with 311 disaster survivors. We spoke with several experts to better understand ways to develop a safe, trusting and authentic way to gather their stories. Many first-person disaster narratives have been well-documented. We did not want to repeat what had already been done. And most importantly, we wanted to amplify the words and stories that are most relevant and meaningful to survivors themselves.
Over several months, using a friend-to-friend relational network, we met on zoom with dozens of people from Sendai, Iwate, and Fukushima Prefectures. We wanted to amplify the hopes and concerns of young adults, those whose voices are not usually heard. We focused on their feelings right now and their concerns for the future. Rather than gathering stories from March 2011, which have the potential to retraumatize, we asked participants to share sounds that bring them a sense of safety and strength. We then joined their voices to shape a sonic haiku so that their expressions can empower other listeners.
Below is a transcript of their original responses. You can hear some of their original responses here, here and here.
About my future
About my future
将来のこと Future |
就職活動 健康 将来のこと Job hunting Health Future |
動物愛護 環境問題 Animal protection Environmental problem |
人との関わり方 How to interact with people |
遠くにいる友達や親戚と早く会いたい コロナがいつ終わるかの不安 日々の感謝 I want to be able to meet up with my friends and relatives who live far away. I'm worried because I don't know when the Corona virus pandemic will end. In general I feel grateful. |
自分の将来なりたい姿 What I want to be in the future |
居場所 安心 余裕 I'm thinking about a place where one can find a sense of belonging. I'm concerned about finding peace of mind and feeling at ease. |
仕事のこと 家族のこと 今まで読んできた本のこと About work About my family About books I've read |
宮城の未来 自分の将来のことについて I'm concerned about the future of Miyagi Prefecture, and I'm worried about my own future here. |
他者との対話 Dialogue with others |
将来なりたい自分について About myself who wants to be in the future |
勉強 将来 部活 What's on my mind right now? My ability to continue with my studies, to join in club activities and what my future will be like after I finish school |
平和 ロミオとジュリエット I think a lot about peace. I'm thinking about Romeo and Juliet. |
音楽のこと 仕事のこと 将来のこと I'm thinking about music, my job, and my future. |
自分の今後のキャリアプランや趣味について考えます I'm thinkng about my career plans and my hobbies. |
将来のキャリアプラン 未来の家族のこと 自分を好きになること Future career plan: Future family, love yourself |
人を助けるということ 変わっていく暮らしの中でどうすればみんなが幸せに暮らせるのかということをよく考えます Helping people , I think carefully about how everyone can live happily in a changing life |
無意識と創造性の関係 Relationship between unconsciousness and creativity |
家族のことです Right now I think about my family, I'm concerned for them, their well-being |
Voice of a close friend
ホワっとしたあたたかくてやわらかい音 Howatto shita Warm and soft sounds |
海岸で聞く 波の音 ザブーン ザブーン The sound of the waves heard on the beach zabu-n zabu-n |
猫の喉がなる音 ゴロゴロ グルグル The sound of a cat's throat rumbling. GoroGoro GuruGuru |
友人や家族の穏やかな声 Calm voice of friends and family. |
誰かが誰かを応援する声 The voices of people cheering for someone. |
オーケストラのような壮大な音 Magnificent sound like an orchestra. |
好きな人 家族の寝ている時の音 スースー スヤスヤ The sounds of your favorite person or family quietly sleeping. Su- Su- Suya Suya |
好きなミュージシャンの歌声 ラララ ラララ Singing voice of my favorite musician. La La La La La La |
繁華街が賑わっている音 ガヤガヤガヤ ガヤガヤガヤ The sound of a downtown area bustiling with many people. Gaya Gaya Gaya Gaya Gaya Gaya |
木の揺れる音 The sound of swaying trees |
アップテンポな音楽やスキップしたくなるような音楽 Up-tempo music or music that makes me want to skip! |
人が笑っている声 The sound of laughter brings me joy. |
たくさんの拍手の音 The sound of enthusiastic applause. |
コーン コーン コーン Kohn Kohn Kohn |
ワーっ Wahhhhh! |
学校の校庭で中学生や高校生が部活動をしている時の音 中学生や高校生がお互いに声をかけあったり忙しなくかけ回ったりしている音 Sounds of junior high school and high school students doing club activities in the school playground---students talking to each other and busily running around. |
大好きな人たちに囲まれてその人たちが楽しそうにしている人をの声を聞くと元気がでます It makes me feel better when I hear the voices of people who are surrounded by their loved ones and who are having fun. |
人がその人を楽しそうに目いっぱい表現している音を聞くと励まされます 多様な音なのでそれを言葉で表現するのは難しいです It's encouraging to hear the sound of a person happily expressing themselves. It’s a variety of sounds, so it’s difficult to express it in words. |
私の地元大槌町の祭りの音を聞くと励まされます。 Remembering the sounds of annual festival in my hometown Otsuchi, the taiko drums, the chanting and flutes, cheers me up. The pandemic forced us to cancel our festival. |
自分が普通に生活する上で出るテレビや家具の音 車や人が歩く音
The sounds of daily life, the tv, furniture moving, the sound of cars and people walking.
がしっとした、しっかりとした音 |
自然の中にある主張しすぎない音 木々の揺れる音 サワサワサワ サワサワサワ Peaceful sounds in nature, like trees gently swaying in the breeze. SawaSawaSawa SawaSawaSawa |
森の中で聞こえる鳥のさえずり 木々の揺れる音 チュンチュン サラサラ Birds singing in the woods, swaying sounds of trees. ChunChun SaraSara |
日常の中にあるような鳥のこえや車の音がある中に家族や友人の声が響いている The voices of family and friends layered with the sounds of birds and cars---sounds from everyday life. |
虫や木々といった自然の音 Natural sounds like insects chirping and flying, leaves quietly rustling. |
鳥のさえずりの音のような優しい明るい音 A gentle bright sound like the sound of a bird chirping. |
昔聞いていた波の音が凶器になって人を殺してしまう音になった時、サイレンの音、人の助けてっていう声が苦しいものだったという時、何もない音、無の音が、安全という音だと思いました I used to think that ocean sounds were peaceful and safe. But the tsunami, actually changed waves into a violent weapon that killed so many people. And hearing the blaring sirens and the voices of people crying out for help was so painful. So now, only the sound of nothing, nothing at all, feels the safest. |
友達とお腹が痛くなるまで笑った時の声 ヒィー ヒィー ヒイ ヒイ Laughing outloud with a friend until my stomach hurts. Hii- Hii- hii hii |
南部鉄器の風鈴の音 チリンチリンチリン チリンチリンチリン The sound of the wind chimes of Nanbu Tekki (a distinctive cast iron wind chime that is only found in Iwate Prefecture). Chirin Chirin Chirin Chirin Chirin Chirin |
お母さんのいびき Mother's snoring. |
私にとって安全とは安心です 掃除機の音や外で子どもたちが話している声やテレビの音が安全や安心の音です Regular daily life sounds equate with safety for me. The humm of the vacuum cleaner, the light, happy voices of children while playing outside, and the droning of the TV----these are the sounds of safety and security. |
周りに友達とか家族がいてその人たちが泣いていなくて笑っている声 Listening to the voices of my friends and family around me laughing, as opposed to crying, makes me feel safe and secure. |
ストーブが作動している音 The sound of someone using a stove makes me feel safe. Right after the earthquake and tsunami, we were without power for a long time. |
トントントントントン 朝起きた時に聞こえる母親が料理をしている音 Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton It's the sound of my mom cooking when I wake up in the morning. |
ワイワイワイガヤガヤガヤ 子供たちが公園で遊んでいる音 WaiWaiWai GayaGayaGaya It's the sound of children playing in the park. |
お母さんや先生が子どもや小さな子に絵本の読み聞かせをしている声 Voices of mothers and teachers reading story books to children. |
晴れて暖かい日に爽やかな風に揺られて聞きがサーサーとそよぐ音 The whishing sound of swaying in the refreshing breeze on a sunny and warm day. |
ゴロゴロゴロゴロ 最近うちにきた子猫が膝に乗っているときに出す音です GoroGoroGoroGoro This is the sound that my kitten makes when he is on his lap. |
日々の生活の音です。 The ordinary sounds of my daily life makes me feel safe. |
私にとって安全を感じる音は、子供達の寝息です。1日が終わって、隣に寝ている子供達のスーッ、スーッとした寝息は、私を安心させます。まだ寝返りもうたないような、生まれたばかりの頃は、息をしているのか、布団はかかっていないか、確かめていた時がありました。それがいつの間にか、私を安心させる音になったのだと思います。 The sound that brings me a sense of safety is the sleeping sounds of my kids. At the end of a long day, I find it comforting to hear my kids' quiet breathing as I lie next to them. When my kids were just born and couldn't roll over by themselves, I used to always worry and make sure they were breathing fine and not getting suffocated by the blanket in their sleep. So I think that's why the sound of them breathing soundly as they sleep became a reassuring sound for me. |
えーっと、暮らしの音が一番ピンとくるかなって思います。んー、なんかご近所さんから料理してる、まな板を包丁で叩く音だったりとか、あとは近所の子供達がワイワイと遊んでいる音だったりとか。なんかそういう普通の、当たり前の普段の暮らしの中にある音が、安全とか安心に繋がる音かなって思います。 Hmm, what comes to mind is the sound of daily life such as the sound of the neighbors cooking, like the rhythmic sound of a knife hitting against the cutting board. Or the sound of kids in the neighborhood having a blast playing together. Normal sounds like these from uneventful, ordinary days are the sounds that evoke a sense of safety and calm for me, I think. |